Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ok  - very long night! Put it this way apparently I was not getting any Insulin with the Metronic - I did check and bolus - but I am so use to having highs so I just thought I didn't bolus enough (330) - so went to bed and was going to the bathroom and thristy so many times that I finally went and checked my blood, ready for this - over 600!!!!!! so I ended up going to the ER - yep - not happy and I don't know about this pump!!!

thanks, doing a lot better!
When I finally looked at the piece that goes inside I noticed it was bent at the very end so that is why I wasn't getting any insulin.  Will try again just not right now!


The DL said...

how upsetting! I hope you are doing OK now! I have a medtronic pump and love it. Their costomer service is really great, so I am sure if you call they will set you as right as possible.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I hope you are feeling better. This must be frustrating as hell let alone feeling badly.

While I don't understand all you go through with diabetes I still hope you can get this pump working for you.

April said...

Sorry, Peggy, haven't been on my blog! bad me - but I still read yours every day!
Thank you - I do - back to my old pump.

Bruce said...

Thanks for a great post
Tips for Dealing with Diabetes

Jeff said...

Hi April,

I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!


WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Sorry for your troubles.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

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